Elder Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Facilities

Abuse and neglect in nursing homes can leave families scrambling for financial restitution and justice. Nursing home abuse attorneys can make the legal procedure smoother and increase the financial settlement likelihood. Right now, our experts can connect you with nursing home abuse lawyers.

If you feel that a loved one is being abused or neglected in a nursing home or assisted-living facility, you have the right to file a complaint with the facility. We at JustPoint, fight for the rights of those who have been abused in nursing homes all around the country. We know how to spot the warning signs of elder abuse and can work with you to keep your loved one safe while also pursuing legal action against the facility or caregivers who are to blame. Our lawyer for nursing home neglect has a long track record of winning a lawsuit in different scenarios.

What Is Nursing Home Abuse?

Nursing home abuse and neglect are nationally recognized issues. It happens to older persons whose care facilities are being neglected or injured by other facility residents. Elder abuse may cause mental illness as well as death for older people. One in 10 Americans who have been abused will have abused their elders within a decade. Families often have no alternative but to put elderly family members into nursing homes.Click here to get all the updated facts on nursing home abuse. JustPoint Help Your Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit When an elderly family member suffers physical or emotional harm at the hands of caregivers at nursing homes or assisted living facilities,

Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly in Nursing Homes

The Nursing Home provides quality health care for residents in the home whose families cannot care for the elderly. However, people in nursing homes are susceptible to abuse or neglect. Our nursing home lawyer has recovered more than $300 million for victims who have experienced unsatisfactory nursing home abuse cases. Get started on the right track to get legal help from our legal team today—free case review for nursing home abuse victims.

Start Your Case Against a Care Facility Right Away!

In poor nursing homes, a loved one could face monetary compensation for the loss. Legal action in an assisted living center can be used for medical expenses. Keep reading to learn more about the best method for bringing your nursing home to court for neglect. Laws known as statutes of limitations prevent lawsuits from being filed after a specific period (usually one year with limited exceptions). Personal injury lawyers can help you file your case before time runs out.

Nursing Home Negligence & Abuse Lawyers for New Jersey & Pennsylvania

No one should expect someone is victimized in a nursing home. Nevertheless, abuse and neglect can happen at times and on several levels. The resident’s vulnerability at nursing homes makes families and friends dependent on the hospital provide care to those closest to them.

Unfortunately, nursing homes and others have not always done the same thing. In nursing homes, negligence involves not adequately educating residents regarding health risks if they are in need.

Negligent behavior can have severe consequences for a person, including broken bones, swollen skin, pressure ulcers, dehydration, malnutrition, or other health complications. Personal injury lawyers handling nursing home abuse cases are the best option for those looking to file a nursing home abuse.

Types of Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes

Nursing home neglect varies from case to case. Those cases may involve the occurrence of severe injuries to someone you love. Types of nursing home neglect include medical negligence: this occurs because staff cannot give residents medication on time, they leave broken bones and bedsores untreated, or they fail in attempting to contact 911 if they are experiencing any emergency. Sometimes the case is considered a medical error.

The absence of basic needs if an individual does not have adequate food, water, and bathroom supplies is indicative of the lack of necessities. Those who suffer may experience severe malnutrition and dehydration—adverse health.

A nursing home abuse attorney makes the legal process more accessible and may increase the chances of receiving a financial payout.

In What Ways Can I Report Instances of Elder Abuse in a Nursing Home?

Almost all nursing facilities report incidences of neglected and abused patients, although just 24 percent have been documented. Use other strategies to help yourself. A caregiver can visit a nursing facility or call 911 if someone dies. Abuse should be a top priority.

If you have been abused, contact your state or local authorities. Some reporting practices may be different for the different forms. Almost every country is equipped to provide adult protective services (AAPS). APS works closely to ensure elder care.

After removing your family member from the abusive environment, reporting the abuse, and moving the elder to a new care facility, you may wish to contact a nursing home abuse attorney to file a lawsuit.

Procedure for Bringing a Lawsuit Against a Nursing Home for Negligence?

In a federal civil case, residents may be damaged by carelessness. A lawyer can assist with nursing home cases. This legal team listens and argues. Your attorney will help you get compensation once you file a complaint.

In nursing homes, attorneys often file personal injury suits against residents who suffer from neglect. A nursing facility negligence lawsuit may result when a person dies of a nursing injury or illness. At JustPoint, we can help you with the procedure of filing a negligence lawsuit against a lawsuit due to negligence.

Statistics for Assisted Living Facilities

As the older population rises, the more families rely on nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and longer-term homes. National Academies of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine will publish National Imperative for Improvement in Nursing Homes – Quality in 2022.

Approximately 3 billion people reside in 15,000 licensed nursing facilities in the United States. During the last two years, significant evidence indicated that the COVID-19 virus struck nursing homes and impacted staff. This also brings renewed attention to the longstanding flaw in nursing care. Getting a lawyer for nursing home abuse is vital in getting the justice you deserve; it is better to Save medical records and keep information relating to your case. Raising awareness of nursing home abuse and neglect can help reduce the negative statistics.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

There are five primary types of nursing home abuse: physical, emotional, and financially abused. Various categories have different warning signs that your loved one must be careful of when deciding what to look at.

Some residents of Nursing Homes suffer multiple forms of adversity. In other cases, a criminal may physically attack a person to evade his wishes in a financial exploitation scheme. Below is an overview of all types of abuse in a nursing home;

  • Physical abuse;
  • Domestic violence;
  • Sexual abuse;
  • Psychological or emotional abuse;
  • Financial or material abuse;
  • Modern slavery;
  • Discriminatory abuse.

Physical abuse is a person’s use of violence to threaten and intimidate the victim. An instance of physical abuse is one in which the victim suffers bodily harm. Restrictions and lack of physical care can lead to physical abuse that is both intentional and unintentional at the hands of caretakers.

Emotional abuse is characterized by verbal harassment, yelling, or emotional manipulation the abuser inflicts on the elderly. Emotional abuse can involve any of the following: Verbal abuse: yelling at you, insulting or swearing at you. Rejection: constantly rejecting your thoughts, ideas, and opinions, also known as gaslighting.

Gaslighting is when someone makes you doubt your feelings, thoughts, and sanity by manipulating the truth. In nursing homes, abusive caregivers must be reported immediately. They may be committing abuse because they are stressed, depressed, or suffering from other problems.

Financial or material abuse is when older adults are financially abused by family members, friends, or caretakers in a nursing facility. Elderly victims of financial exploitation may find themselves without any means of support after years of diligent saving.

Sexual abuse is unwanted attention, or exploitation in the form of unwanted sexual attention is sexual abuse. Patients with dementia, for example, who are unable to verbalize their sexual desires or are cognitively impaired might also receive this type of sexual attention.

Psychological abuse might involve screaming, scolding, demeaning, and other forms of shaming the patient that is difficult to detect. As a result of psychological abuse, a patient’s behavior may change. A good attorney-client relationship can help you win nursing home lawsuits.

How Abuse Affects Victim’s Emotional Wellbeing

Emotional abuse can cause sadness and anxiety. Domestic violence victims can develop phobias and alcohol and drug addiction issues (s). Emotionally abused people often self-harm or engage in dangerous sexual behavior.

Causes of Nursing Home Abuse

Not every nursing home provides similar quality care. Facilities often have limited resources, such as personnel, or monitoring, that can provide the best quality of life possible. Occasionally nursing homes have chronically understaffed staff and cannot care for many people in a given situation. Often nurses work long hours.

Many caregivers are a blessing for those families unable to care for the elderly. Sadly, nurses and therapists cannot overcome challenges posed by understaffing or poor management – often intentional abuse.

Can You Sue a Nursing Home for Negligence?

Absolutely yes. Neglect occurs when staff does not uphold a standard of care within a home, and the resident’s health is affected. Fortunately, elders have legal recourse against nursing home negligence.

Nursing homes are not necessarily synonymous with abuse but also share underlying causes like negligent hiring practices and inadequate training. Nursing home violence occurs whenever someone hurts another person’s health. Nursing homes are not intentionally neglected but can also lead to death.

What Is an Attorney Called?

Lawyers are commonly interchangeable in the USA. Often, attorneys ask questions such as Are They Lawyers The Same As They Are? Colloquial rarely considers the specific needs for legal representation.

What Are Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers?

Nursing home abuse attorneys are highly skilled attorneys who deal directly with wrongful death victims and other medical injuries. A lawyer may be consulted when older adults are injured at nursing homes.

The plaintiffs can prove through a suit that a nursing home abuse lawyer can receive thousands in settlement or trial verdicts. Contact us at JustPoint for legal advice now. We help abused, and neglected people recover.

Contact a Nursing Home Negligence and Abuse Lawyer

Our nursing home negligence attorneys have been tasked with helping clients defend themselves from the legal consequences of their injuries by helping protect their loved ones in court and prosecuting their claim for damages.

We can help you recover money from the injury incurred by your family member or other family members if your injuries are severe. Please visit us at JustPoint to learn about the newest news and updates regarding Nursing Home Law. You can also call us for advice or to speak.

Nursing Home Abuse Statistics

Although nursing home abuse has been largely ignored, it is essential to understand its prevalence. Different investigators have obtained varied insights into nursing-house abuse from across the nation, most notably through the difficulty in getting the data regarding such issues.

The following statistics summarize the most reliable data available: The incidence of a variety of elder abuses is just below 10% of the nationwide nursing population. This represented around 60,000 victims.

Lawsuits can help start the healing process as you’ll be able to take real action against the nursing home facility.

In nursing homes, abuse can lead to pain for the patients or their families. Often the victim was hurt by an injury that needed hospital treatment. People who trust a hospital can feel deeply sad. Almost all victims are entitled to legal help through an abuse claim against nursing homes.

There are several methods for working with an abuse lawyer. It is much better to hire an expert lawyer in the area to fight a nursing home abused person. Without a lawyer, you may have made mistakes that can delay an appeal or court hearing.

At JustPoint, we have a skilled team of lawyers that can assist and defend you. You should seek professional medical advice depending on the type of abuse involved.

What Is the Definition of Abuse in a Nursing Home?

Nursing house abuse is anything that happens to an older adult in a residential care home. It can also be defined as any physical or emotional injury, sexual assault, or financial exploitation of elderly residents in long-term care facilities. Your first concern when you suspect nursing home abuse or neglect is ensuring the safety of your loved one.

Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

The first thing that should stop nursing home abuse is recognizing the situation. If you live in nursing homes, observe if your loved one is suffering from any possible exploitation of assets.

You can end nursing home abuse by knowing about its symptoms. Elderly and older adults with physical or mental health problems are more vulnerable to abuse. A person with dementia may not know if a fellow resident has hurt him.

Although the risk of terrorism is higher, there are still some ways to protect a friend. Check out these typical signs listed above. If it appears to be a nursing care facility abused by another individual, do not wait for a response.

Signs You Need a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

If you were hurt at home, you may have no way of knowing what was happening or whether a court case should be brought against you. Regardless of the law, you should always consider the legal options available. Generally speaking, you will need an elder abuse attorney. At JustPoint, we have patient advocates who can assist a caregiver who abuses their nursing home.

Get the help your family deserves

At JustPoint, you have no reason to worry or panic. We’ll fight for your family’s rights and help you collect the damages you’re due.

What Is the Most Common Abuse in Nursing Homes?

Emotional abuse, verbal or psychological abuse occurs when one insults another resident to control the situation. This is most prevalent in nursing home abuse. The report says that 38% of caregivers in a nursing facility were emotionally abused. Emotional Abuse is characterized by the following;

  • Humiliation. An abuser may repeatedly humiliate a victim, whether alone or in public;
  • Emotional extortion. Blackmailing someone by withholding something from them till they comply is called emotional blackmail.How Do Victims of Emotional Abuse React?

People who are emotionally or psychologically abused risk developing long-term mental health issues. This form of abuse may harm your physical and emotional health. Feelings of bewilderment, worry, embarrassment, guilt, frequent sobbing, over-compliance, impotence, and more are possible side effects of a mental health disorder.

Impact of Emotional Abuse on the Body

As found in a study, emotional abuse can be as devastating as physical violence, leading to depression and low self-esteem. According to the study, emotional maltreatment may also play a role in developing long-term diseases, including fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

As a result of emotional abuse, some people suffer from PTSD, depression, chronic pain, feelings of guilt or shame, and difficulty trusting others or initiating new relationships.


The best care for our elderly is something we all want to see them receive throughout their lives. After all, they devoted much of their youth to caring for those close to them, including us. A healthcare professional may deviate from the expected standard of care for elderly patients, despite their best efforts. When you turn to JustPoint, we listen to your story and work to get you or your loved ones the compensation you are entitled to.

Speak to us not to contact our Injury Lawyers today to get the best from your nursing home care.

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