How To Find A Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyer

Cancer misdiagnosis is a serious medical error that occurs when a doctor or healthcare provider incorrectly diagnoses cancer in a patient. 

According to different research studies, it is estimated that between 10% to 28% of all cancers diagnosed are incorrect or diagnosed incorrectly. Unfortunately, this means that more than 1 in every 4 patients who receive a cancer diagnosis will not actually have the disease!

In a situation like this, it is possible to seek compensation from the law for the hurt and damage caused by this misdiagnosis. 

This article tells you the things to look for when looking for a cancer misdiagnosis lawyer.

Why Do You Need A Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyer?

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, it is very likely that you will have to deal with a number of different things. 

One major issue that you may have to deal with is cancer misdiagnosis. Cancer misdiagnosis occurs when a doctor or other medical professional makes an error in the diagnosis of a patient’s condition. The reason why this happens is that the doctor was either not thorough enough during their medical examination or they simply did not listen to the patient.

If you believe that your cancer misdiagnosis has resulted in you having to endure unnecessary treatments, surgery, or suffering, then you may be able to take legal action against the doctor or hospital who made this mistake. 

However, before taking any legal action, it is important to find out whether or not your case has any merit. This means you need attorney advise for cancer misdiagnosis. But how do you find a cancer attorney? 

Contact Your Local Bar Association

A good place to start is with your state’s Bar Association. They can give you a list of attorneys who have expertise in this area. If they do not know one, they will be able to help you find the right person or cancer misdiagnosis law firm. You may also want to check out the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). This organization represents each specialty and has information about its members who are board-certified in their respective fields.

Get Recommendations From People You Trust.

Get referrals from friends or family members who have had similar experiences and were able to successfully resolve them through legal action. You can also get referrals from other lawyers who specialize in medical malpractice cases and may know of qualified misdiagnosis attorneys in your area who could help with your case.

Check Review Sites.

If you don’t know anyone who has experienced a misdiagnosis, take to social media to ask around. See if anyone has had any luck with their lawyer in the past and what they think of them overall. 

You can also read online reviews of cancer misdiagnosis attorneys from sites like Avvo and Justia. These sites offer detailed profiles of each attorney, which can give you an idea of how well they handle different kinds of cases and what their track record looks like.

Find Out If They Speak Your Language (Literally).

It’s important to find out if they speak your language (literally). Some lawyers have a hard time communicating with clients who don’t speak the same language or have similar cultural backgrounds. If this is the case with your cancer misdiagnosis lawyer, it might be best to look for someone else.

Also, does the lawyer sound like they really care about your case? Are they willing to answer all of your questions? Are they friendly and approachable over the phone? These are all things that can help you feel more comfortable with them as an attorney.

Look For A Lawyer Who Has Successfully Handled Similar Cases.

When you’re looking for a cancer lawyer, you should look for someone who has successfully handled cases like yours. If your case involves a malpractice suit against a doctor or hospital, then it’s important that the attorney has experience handling malpractice suits against doctors and hospitals. 

A lawyer who has successfully represented other victims of misdiagnosis will be able to help you navigate the legal process and will be able to advise you on the best course of action for your particular situation.

Consider The Lawyer’s Fee Structure.

Fees for lawyers vary greatly depending on the lawyer and his or her experience level. Some lawyers charge an hourly rate while others charge by the case. It is important to know how much it will cost before hiring a lawyer so that there are no surprises later on down the line. The best approach is to work with a lawyer who provides a contingency agreement. At Justpoint, all the attorney we work with work on a contingency fee, this means that they only get paid if you win your case.

Don’t Wait To File A Claim!

As you can see, it can be very easy to get medical malpractice attorneys for your unique situation. 

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer and it was wrongly misdiagnosed or not treated properly, you could be entitled to compensation for your losses and damages. Finding the right cancer misdiagnosis attorney is the first step in trying to make things right. Don’t wait until it’s too late so that the statutes of limitation for cancer misdiagnosis do not affect your chances of success.

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