Who Pays When Medication Mistakes Become Felonies?

When new nurses enter the workforce, they are confronted with a slew of fears about the dynamics of caring for a group of patients. They question if I can save a patient if something goes wrong. What should I say when a doctor asks me a question regarding a patient I’m caring for? Do I have a chance of making mistakes? Mistakes, particularly medication errors, are a constant worry for nurses. According to the FDA (cited by AARP), around 1.3 million people in the United States are wounded yearly due to drug errors. As a result, nurses are right to be concerned. Nobody wants to be held accountable for a patient’s possible harm primarily due to passing meds in assisted living. Keep reading here to learn more about malpractice statistics.

The patient suffers whenever a further perform their medical duties competently. The patient is at risk when a nurse administers the wrong medication or fails to notify a doctor when something is genuinely wrong. When it comes to nursing malpractice cases, determining who is responsible for a nurse’s mistakes can be a significant issue. The nurse’s misdeeds will be compensated for by whoever is liable. Nursing home abuse is straightforward. All it takes is neglecting just one of the five rights of medication administration—the right patient, time, medication, dose, and route.

Hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities are places where we can trust that our health is in good hands. Anyone who has surgery doesn’t do so in the hopes of coming out of it even more injured. Sadly, acts of negligence are every day, especially those caused by nursing negligence. In this article, you’ll learn about common nursing malpractice and how an experienced medical malpractice lawyer can assist you in pursuing a claim for nursing negligence.

Policies and procedures are in place to reduce the risk of errors, so nurses are taught how to follow them. They strictly adhere to the Five Rights when dispensing medication to patients, or more recently, the Ten Rights, which include:

  • Right Patient
  • Right medication
  • Right dose
  • Right route
  • Right time
  • Right patient education
  • Right documentation
  • Right to refuse
  • Proper assessment (including possible contraindications)
  • Proper evaluation.

Nonetheless, no healthcare system, no matter how well thought out or implemented, can eliminate all risks, mainly when used in an imperfect setting like a hospital, where a constant influx of patients arriving, leaving, and needing medical attention in between. As a result, nurses who have become lax in adhering to the rules will come up with workarounds and shortcuts (e.e.g.g, an emergency patient). That is why most healthcare institutions must decide who can administer medication in a nursing home.

Medications prescribed by the nursing home staff can cause harm or even death if administered incorrectly. Medication can be taken in pill, injection, or patch form. Mistakes in drug administration can be disastrous and even lead to death, which is unfortunate.

Nursing homes can deny that a nursing staff member made a mistake or that their failure to administer the drugs correctly led to the patient’s injury or death. JustPoint’s nursing home abuse lawyers can assist you in your legal endeavors, especially if it is related to medication errors in assisted living facilities.

Medication errors in long-term care facilities may not be life-threatening, but residents are given the wrong prescription or medication in other cases.

Residents’ lives could be jeopardized in medication administration nursing homes if medication is administered incorrectly. Even worse, residents at skilled nursing facilities may not receive their medication, putting them at risk of physical harm.

Nursing home residents injured or killed due to medication errors may be able to sue for negligence. Because of a nursing facility’s failure, you may be eligible for financial compensation for the harm done to your loved one. This is why nursing homes have increased statistics for medication errors.

Medication Administration by Registered Nurses

The nurse faces an extensive workload that often includes long lists of patients and long working hours. They can also get overwhelmed and overtired, leading to the use of unnecessary tasks like medication. The Institute of Medicine (IOM). Report. Because nurses are usually the front-line medical professionals required to prescribe medications prescribed by physicians (and sometimes more powerful medications to critically ill patients), they must be particularly careful in their procedures/practices to avoid problems.

Negligence in Nursing: Typical Cases and How to Prevent It Prevent It From Occurring

Nurses are required to adhere to a very strict code of professional behavior. Nursing staff must act carefully to protect their patients’ safety and well-being and to promote a positive outcome of care for patients, healthcare team members, and organizations. Unfortunately, nurses are prone to errors. When such errors cause injuries to patients, they are termed “negligence.” You may know about nursing negligence but do not fully grasp it. How do nurses handle their patients’ negligent behaviors?

Medication Errors in Long-Term Care Facilities

Nursing homes can kill people if they are improperly administering medication. The medicine can usually come either through injection or by pill. Unfortunately, mistakes made while using drugs are catastrophic, causing deaths as well. Nursing homes that make medication errors may have methods to prevent the patient from being injured in their bed or that a medical staff member was negligent in administering the medications correctly. This is why most nursing homes are careful about the people involved in passing medications in a nursing home. The nursing home abuse attorney at JustPoint provides legal services for victims that need the fastest route to get their deserved compensation.

There is nothing universal about all medications that cause ill effects in humans. The federal law suggests nursing centers might be making minor errors in administering medication to residents. When complication rates exceed 5 p.m., the facility receiving medical treatment is issued a medical health warning by their inspector. Facilities that make occasional mistakes don’t necessarily violate governing policies. List a few instances where medication mistakes are within the five percent limits. One grave mistake can cause a citation. Those who make a wrong choice could face hefty fines from nursing homes.

A Nursing Home Mistakenly Dispenses Medication

Getting into a nursing home can make your life difficult. You hope this is a great help and you are happy. A family recently filed a claim to recover for the negligence of a patient who was taken away from their house from an unsanitary facility. It happened when the caregiver gave a person a medication incorrectly, causing the person’s seizures and falling off their bed. The injury resulted in serious hospitalization. Patients often overlook medication errors in nursing homes. Errors occur when a nurse takes the wrong drug. Providing the best possible care for our patients is a priority.

Incompetence vs. Negligence in Healthcare

Although the words negligent and incompetence can be used interchangeably, there’s no one in many ways. Incompetence is the absence of knowledge, judgment, and skills. Examples of incapabilities in nurses’ work include nurses not understanding how patients should administer certain medications and performing nursing procedures incorrectly based on their knowledge. In contrast, negligence can occur if the competent nurse does something that would otherwise be unprofessional and reasonable. Negligence in nursing is related to causing injury or causing damage. These factors increase and contribute to medication errors in nursing homes statistics.

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Nursing home medication errors are common throughout the United States. Suppose a resident is given incorrect medications or isn’t given medication at the dosage required to perform the prescribed treatment. This is caused by carelessness in employees. Additional contributors include a lapse in the supervision of nursing employees administering the medicines or a shortage or insufficient staff training for the administration. Contact JustPoint Lawyers to get an accurate medical assessment of your medical conditions in the nursing home.

Exactly How Do Nursing Home Residents Receive Their Medication?

Nursing homes often fail when they make medication errors. Most nursing residences offer medications on “med passes.” Med passes refers to a procedure that involves nursing home staff dispensing drugs to a resident. The nurse pushes the patient into the cart with medication. A licensed nurse usually delivers the medical card. California has yet to permit an unlicensed medical assistant to give medications if they supervise them. The Med Pass should last between two and three hours.

Overdosing, Underdosing, and Prescription drugs

Even though the above examples are harmful actions in nursing homes, mistakes occur from delivering incorrect medications to the patients. Sometimes harmful effects are caused by taking drugs that are not correctly handled. When taking medication, the patient can be opposed to various adverse effects. Most nursing home dosage errors are no longer criminal. In most nursing homes, however, medication errors are caused by neglect. A shortage of employees can result in unfortunate situations.

Nursing Homes Residents

In nursing homes, the proper dosage of medicines must be obtained from the physician. Recent studies have revealed a high rate of drug errors in nursing homes affecting their health. The survey was published in JAMA and looked at over 1,000 people living in nursing homes across the U.S. and Canada. Nearly half the nursing home respondents experienced a medication error last month. Most medication errors included inaccurate dosage (42%) and misdirected medication (53%).

Nursing Home Medication Administration errors

Medication management involves organizing medication usage in individuals or groups and monitoring the use of medications. This policy applies to all patients in any hospital, clinic, or facility that offers a long-term nursing program to their families. Medication management goals assure patients correctly receive adequate medical treatment. Improved medication security is essential to the delivery of quality healthcare for patients.

Nursing Homes Are Notorious for Drug Mistakes

Training and staff level are important factors that lead to drug abuse at elderly care facilities. Several nursing homes are notorious for maintaining low staffing levels to optimize profits. Occasionally home staffing is reduced so low it cannot be provided the correct level of care for patients at any given moment. It takes a great deal of time for a nurse to administer medicine. It takes up to 4 hours if a nurse completes the drugs run.

A History of Medication Errors in the Nursing Home

Medication errors are the most common type of patient safety incident worldwide and cause significant damage to patients. Systematic reporting is essential for detecting patient safety problems, and there hasn’t been a consensus about the term ME’s. Some countries develop advanced national incident reporting systems, but other methods are used. Its goal is to create a standard terminology for preventing severe drug overdoses.

Common Nursing Home Medication Errors

Depending upon your nursing home, medication errors are different. The minor mistake is not giving patients medicine when the medication has no food. Although these mistakes can have few consequences, they must remain a safety issue for the resident. On the other hand, medication errors can cause far more significant problems. Studies have indicated that delayed or missed treatment or medication is one common medical mistake in hospitals.

Medication Management in Long-Term Care Facilities

Drug management in the care of elderly patients should be appropriately handled to ensure their health. Several actions are required to provide the drugs are properly administered. First, the physician must check the order and verify that it is the correct medication for helping the resident. The next step involves bringing together the supplies required to administer the medicine. Next is the preparation of drugs.

Nursing Negligence vs. Malpractice: What’s the Difference?

Despite similarities, negligence in nursing also has key differences. Nurse’s negligence occurs when a patient suffers ill-health from uninformed care by a nurse. Nursing negligence is when nurses fail and the person suffers a severe illness. Although medical malpractice and nursing negligence can have devastating effects, medical negligence is often a more severe charge.

Medical Blunders in Less Common Nursing Homes

Typically medical errors are due primarily to mistakes, confusion, and understaffing, but sometimes nursing homes intentionally ignore medication directions. Staff will instead develop a plan. Intentional nursing home medication mistakes can cause litigation. If you’re facing medication errors, please call us. Below are a couple of examples of medical malpractices in nursing homes:

  • prescribing the incorrect dosage;
  • failing to consider a patient’s medical history;
  • prescribing medications that should not be taken together;
  • Administering medications incorrectly;
  • Failing to provide the medication that is needed;
  • An inadequate amount of time was spent on preparation.

Nursing Home Medication Safety Policies

Safety in medication in nursing homes has always been important. Incorrect medication usage can cause serious adverse effects such as hospitalizations and deaths. Establishing proper medication safety guidelines is crucial in preventing drug misuse in nursing homes. Frequently used medicines are avoided if the physician communicates with the medical staff and the patient.

Nursing Home Neglect

Medication errors are often considered neglect by nurses. Sadly older adults do not receive the proper treatment if their medication is prescribed, which can cause serious problems. It is often the first sign of nursing home neglect. When you find these signs, contact your attorney. The symptoms of nursing home neglect can include the following:

  • Emotionally disturbed;
  • extremely withdrawn;
  • unable to communicate are all symptoms of asphyxiation or bed sores;
  • fracturing or injuring the head;
  • Several incidents of elopement, infection, malnutrition and pressure ulcers (bed sores) have occurred.

Contact Justpoint nursing home abuse attorneys if you or your loved ones are victims of nursing home neglect.

Medication Errors in Nursing Homes: A Statistical Analysis

Around 1.25 million Americans suffer medication errors each year. Approximately 800,000 injuries occur in nursing homes where residents are elderly and infirm. Nearly half of the US people are killed every year from medical errors. Although not all deaths occur through negligent acts, they constitute most of the end.

If a Nurse Is Negligent, How Can I Prove It?

The nursing profession has very high levels of negligent behavior, which shouldn’t be lightly viewed. The evidence is based on four main factors in the nursing case: These components include obligations, violations of duty, causes, and damages. Keep reading to learn about parts of nursing home negligence.


In nursing, negligence relates thirdly to causality. Causation is required when a complainant demonstrates an employee has been injured in an accident due to a nursing employee’s failure to perform a duty. For a cause to be proved, the damage is probable and not unreasonable unless there is a good cause. The patient was unaware that they’d been taken for a painkiller and was given another one based on the information she received.

Breach of duty

To show negligence, the nursing staff must have clearly defined duties. A breach is expected before any breach occurs. For example, when the nurse sees a decline and cannot report the change to the doctor, the nursing staff has committed an act of misconduct in writing the situation.

Duty of Care

Nurses must act responsibly and within their scope of practice. Some nurses’ duties include administering the appropriate medications, monitoring the patient’s progress, and alerting the physician if they change their status.


A complaint can only prove injury caused by nursing. For example, damages can result when the person suffers respiratory complications due to medication errors during drug prescriptions.

Definition of Negligence in Nursing malpractice

Nursing negligence occurs when a nurse is incapable of performing nursing duties prescribed by the standards of behavior, resulting in wrongful death. Failure occurs in the absence of nursing duties.

Drug Requirements for the Elderly

Those who require prescription drugs must take a particular medication into account. Some medicines are dangerous for the elderly, and their dosage and administration methods are sometimes adjusted.

A Typical Case of Nursing Malpractice?

There can be many instances in which nursing negligence is claimed. Below nine are nine common examples of how negligence in nursing can occur.

  • Inadequate monitoring of a patient’s vital signs and failing to notice changes in their condition;
  • Responding slowly or not at all to the needs of a patient;
  • Failing to seek help from a medical professional when necessary;
  • A doctor’s failure to keep track of a patient’s progress;
  • Misusing abbreviations on a patient’s medical record;
  • Inaccurate documentation of a patient’s health status;
  • Neglecting a patient’s food intake;
  • When medical equipment is not working correctly;
  • You are mistakenly taking a patient’s blood pressure or drawing blood during routine care with the intent to cause harm.

Dont waste your pain. Let Justpoint guide you on the road to getting the compensation you deserve.

Negligence in Nursing: What Is It?

Whether the nurse works in a hospital, doctor’s office, or home health care facility, nursing negligence occurs when the nurse fails to adequately uphold the standard of care they owe to the patient and injures them.

Everyone in the medical field is expected to act similarly under similar circumstances as another professional with equivalent training and experience would work. The question is whether another nurse with the same training and experience would have done the same thing in the same situation if the nurse had failed to verify the patient’s name and allergies and given them a medication to which they had an allergic reaction. Nurses must verify patient information, so if a mistake is made, they will likely be held liable for medical malpractice because another nurse would not have made the same mistake.

How Long Do I Have to File a Medical Malpractice Claim in the Us?

Medical malpractice claims can be filed within one year of the date of the injury, with some exceptions, if you believe that you were injured due to nursing malpractice. As soon as the statute of limitations expires, you lose your ability to collect damages. The law of rules varies from state to state and country to country, so you need to get in touch with an attorney immediately after a nursing home abuse incident to get proper legal advice.

How Can I Prevent This Negligence?

Medication error is an easy, most frequent, preventable form of negligence in nursing, which can seriously impact patients’ lives and health. The nurse should check written orders or read medication labels for the correct dosage. The physician can write ordered medicines using marketed drugs, and the pharmacy can provide the generics. Nurses must check whether a physician-approved generic substitute is available and ensure that the correct medication is supplied before the dose.

Delve Deeper Into the Topic of Neglect

Patients may change their medical situation in seconds. During the day, nurses should be aware of changes occurring. If patients don’t change their status, this may have devastating effects. For example, a physician may notice edema in a patient’s gastrointestinal tract when a patient takes a diuretic and has pulmonary edema. If the edema does not disappear and fluid accumulation persists, the patient can suffer from pulmonary distress.

What are the most common acts of negligence by a nurse?

How can you avoid nursing mistakes? Taking the time to monitor & identify abnormal signs in the body correctly. Not responding quickly to patients. In the absence of doctor advice. You are not updating patients’ charts of progress.

What are the causes of medication errors by nurses?

Medication errors are often caused by incorrect diagnosis or dosage errors, drug errors and misdiagnosis, poor drug distribution practices, drug or device-related issues, wrong drug administration, poor communication, and poor education of users.

What is the most common reason for medication administration errors?

The most significant cause of medication errors is the communication between the physician and your physician—poor contact with doctors. Drugs sound similar, and medicine looks like.

What nursing action causes most medication errors?

Most reported mistakes include incorrect dosages and infusion rates. Some people use abbreviated names rather than full-name drugs or similar names of medicines in their names. The biggest reason behind medication errors was the lack of pharmaceutical knowledge.

When Is There a Risk of Nursing Malpractice?

Nursing malpractice occurs when a nurse fails to perform their duties in the same manner as an ordinarily competent nurse would, which results in harm to the patient. A mistake or unfortunate event in the hospital or doctor’s office does not automatically qualify as negligence. Typically, licensed nurses carry out med passes. However, some states will allow unlicensed staff members to provide medication as long as a nurse supervises. Medication errors that cause harm are called preventable adverse drug events.

Many healthcare professionals wonder how a nurse can become negligent with medication administration.

Some of the most common causes of nursing malpractice are listed below.

Refusing to Act or Say Anything When Something Needs to Be Done

Patients’ first point of contact with healthcare providers is typically their nurses. A nurse may be held liable if they fail to take appropriate action in the event of an emergency on the patient’s part or when they administer a wrong drug. For example, you might need to call for assistance or administer medication. The nurse may also be liable for negligently following otherwise proper orders, like injecting the drug into a drug muscle instead of a vein or injecting the wrong patient. A chain of command can be held liable for most common medication errors.

On the other hand, a nurse must keep an eye on a patient’s well-being. Nursing malpractice liability may arise if a nurse fails to notify the doctor of a potential problem to which they should have been alerted or treat the wrong patient, leading to adverse reactions.

Patient Injury Caused by Medical Devices

Using a medical device to cause injury to a patient is grounds for a malpractice lawsuit against the nurse who used it. For example, the patient may have been hit by a heavy object, burned, or left with surgical sponges inside of them. To prevent medication errors, the nurse should check written orders and read the medication label to ensure the proper medication and dose are used, especially when working with medical devices. During surgery, a nurse can give too much medication to the patient, and the large drug dose injures the patient. An example of a minor mistake is not giving a patient medication with a dose of medicine that requires it to be taken with food. While these errors may carry little consequences, avoiding them is necessary for residents’ health. On the other end of the spectrum, more severe medication errors, such as giving the wrong medicine to the lousy resident.

Improper Medication Handling

Administering medication as prescribed by a doctor is a standard nursing duty. Patients who suffer harm because of the nurse’s negligence can hold them accountable for malpractice. When an order is followed incorrectly, the nurse may be held liable, such as when the wrong patient is injected with medication. Giving the bad form of the drug, the false strength, or the wrong medication altogether can lead to nursing home abuse, thereby worsening the patient’s condition in the health care setting.

If you or your loved one, a nursing home patient, are a victim of improper administration, get professional medical advice in case of a severe injury by health care professionals.

Medical Error: Who Is to Blame?

An issue in nursing malpractice cases is often whether the nurse’s negligent actions were committed by a hospital or by the doctor who treated them. They must be meticulous in their procedures and practices to avoid one of the many types of common medication errors.

The Hospital

If the following conditions are met, a hospital may be held liable for nursing malpractice:

  • When the patient was injured;
  • the nurse was performing her job duties as an employee of the hospital;
  • A nurse not under the supervision of an independent doctor (i.e., one who was not employed by the hospital).

Nursing malpractice suits frequently name hospitals as a defense because most nurses work for them. In a health care setting, a medical error occurs when an intervention that the patient expressly rejected or lacked prior informed consent is done anyway.

The Attending Doctor’s order

In some cases, the hospital may be able to avoid liability despite being the nurse’s employer if :

  • an attending physician supervises the nurse;
  • Whether or not the nurse is working under a doctor’s supervision at the time of the incident.

When and if a doctor was present, and whether or not the doctor could stop the nurse’s misconduct.

Is It Necessary to Use Expert Witnesses?

Nursing malpractice is subject to the same rules as a doctor’s malpractice. In most cases, a qualified medical expert will be required to testify (give evidence) about what a competent nurse would have done and whether the negligence caused the injury. Nurses or other medical professionals trained in the field are required in many states to be qualified medical experts in nursing negligence cases.

A nurse’s negligence may be so apparent that no medical experts are required to testify in a malpractice case. These mistakes are examples of giving the patient a different drug than the one prescribed or knocking over critical equipment.

Getting Assistance

A lawyer’s assistance is often required in medical malpractice cases due to the numerous rules that govern the field and the fact that these rules differ from state to state. Contact JustPoint right away for assistance in locating a reputable medical malpractice lawyer.

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